I have made a change to the way 3rd party transponders interact with SquawkBox 3. If you have implemented or are planning on implementing a transponder to work with SB3, this is directed at you. The offset 0x7B90 used to control whether the transponder built-in to SB3 appeared. If 3rd party transponders were providing an interface that replaced the built-in transponder, they were to increment the value at that offset when starting up and decrement it when exiting. This would make the built-in transponder disappear.
Ultimately, this was not workable so use of this offset is now deprecated. The document in the plug-ins section of the web site has been updated to reflect that.
There are some other additions to the offset list, including a new way of measuring ATC activity around the pilot, an offset to notify external applications when text messages arrive, and a mechanism that allows external applications to tune a voice room.
For all the details, see the documentation.
I'm happy to answer your questions about any of this.
Posted by Joel at August 20, 2004 10:29 PM